No mention

"Conversation" with a construct? I think not.

Harpy would be a good term for our friend, if I had any reason to believe it was really a woman.

Putting that aside, it's always nice to see remarkably petulant, whining and downright jealous rants. I mean, shades of Glenn Greenwald yelling into any window he can find, "HOW DARE YOU NOT RESPOND TO MY DEMANDS TO WRITE ABOUT ME" and then handing out the hypocricy tag like halloween candy.

It's sad. Sad that folks unwilling to take credit (or consequence) for their opinions and rhetoric can screech so loudly when others treat them like the tantrum-throwing toddlers they are. Back to the kid's table with them, I think.

Almost as sad as the genius who called *me* a socialist the other day. Me. A socialist. Then again, maybe "almost as sad" isn't quite right, since after all it's just the the 's alter ego.